I speak just enough French to flirt and order some basic foods but I'm always eager to learn more. While making no promises to snag me a French beau, The Farm to Table French Phrasebook (Ulysses Press, $15.95) will make it easier to communicate my culinary cravings en français.
Written by French native Victoria Mas and illustrated by Meera Lee Patel, this lovely little book is chock full of phrases & definitions that make dining and conversing a la française a breeze. From the fishmonger to the farmers' market and from the butcher shop to the bistro; The Farm to Table French Phrasebook is a great resource for shopping for food and dining out in France. I found the sections on cheese and wine exceptionally useful - did you know that France produces more than 300 types of cheese and that they are categorized by their structure and crust? This book would have been so useful on my 2013 trip to Provence.
Whether you're traveling to France or dining out at your local bistro, The Farm to Table French Phrasebook will enrich the experience. And the book has some simple recipes for dishes like La Soupe à l'Oignon (Onion Soup) and Le Poulet à l'Estragon (Tarragon Chicken) that will add some savoir faire to your homecooking. This book is also a great gift for the Francophiles in your life!