view from my building - day two.
Are you okay?
Where were you when it happened?
I've been answering those two questions constantly since yesterday's devastating explosion in East Harlem. Calls and messages have been pouring in from concerned friends and loved ones from all corners of the globe. Like me, they don't understand how and why this tragedy happened.
As I write this, eight people are confirmed dead and there are many injured. Rescue teams have been working around the clock outside my living room window. I gaze out and the scene is surreal and heartbreaking.
"I'm okay" is what I've been answering but there are moments that I don't feel that way. When the explosion hit I felt a powerful fear and jolt that permeated my whole body. The force of the blast knocked me off my living room sofa. Just 15 minutes prior I was outside on the very corner nearest to the explosion. My journey could have had a very different ending.
I feel so very blessed to be here but I mourn for the lives lost. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me. Thank you for keeping East Harlem in your prayers.