Award-winning actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg is absolutely fearless when it comes to speaking her mind on and off The View but flying the friendly skies was a no-no for this tough diva. In fact, Goldberg's fear of flying (aviophobia) was so intense that for the past 13 years she has only traveled in her super luxury tour bus or sailed on the QE2. Swanky, yes, but still limiting.
But Whoopi recently looked fear in the face and took a transatlantic flight to London to observe and consult on the rehearsals for the stage version of her hit film Sister Act. She prepared for the flight by participating in Virgin Atlantics's "Flying Without Fear" course. The Virgin program is not yet available in the United States but it implements Thought Field Therapies invented by Dr. Roger Callahan. Visit Dr. Callahan's website for a free guide on techniques to tackle the fear of flying and other phobias.
Traveling on a private jet, Whoopi was accompanied by a doctor who could calm her down with sedatives but she says that she didn't need it. She told Page Six."I'm kinda proud." And best of all, Whoopi plans on flying again, "I'm going to fly to the West Coast to surprise my daughter." Way to go Whoopi! You can count on The Black Dress Traveler to treat you to a cocktail if we are ever on a flight together. (wishful thinking on my part since Whoopi flies on private jets and I look for bargains!)
Here is a video clip of Whoopi talking about the roots of her fear (she saw a mid-air collision in 1978) and her Flying Without Fear treatment.